Microsoft Word Basic and Intermediate Course costs (SkillsFuture Approved)
SkillsFuture Covers 100% of Course Fees (Self Sponsored)
Microsoft Word Training Courses Singapore
(SkillsFuture Approved)
Unit 1: Introduction to Microsoft Word
- 1.1. Determine the Components of Word Window
- 1.2. Creating a New Window
- 1.3. Modifying the Word Window
- 1.4. Saving a Document
Unit 2: Editing Word Documents
- 2.1. Edit Text in the Word Document
- 2.2. Changing Font Sizes, Colors, Effects & Highlights
- 2.3. AutoCorrect Feature
- 2.4. Find and Replace of Text
Unit 3: Copying and Moving of Text
- 3.1. Selecting Text Using Mouse & Keyboard
- 3.2. Copy & Paste Text
- 3.3. Manoeuvre of Text
Unit 4: Characters Formatting and Paragraphs
- 4.1. Implement Characters Formatting
- 4.2. Conduct Paragraphs Formatting
- 4.3. Apply Bullets & Numbering
- 4.4. Alignment of Paragraphs
- 4.5. Indentation
- 4.6. Line & Paragraph Spacing
- 4.7. Apply Paragraph Shading & Borders
Unit 5: Inserting and Managing Tables
- 5.1. Insert a Table
- 5.2. Adding of Rows & Columns
- 5.3. Deleting of Rows & Columns
- 5.4. Inserting Text into Table
- 5.5. Modifying Cell Text Alignment
Unit 6: Managing Page Layout
- 6.1. Insert Page Border & Footer
- 6.2. Insert Page Number
- 6.3. Modifying Page Margin
- 6.4. Insert or Delete Page Breaks
Unit 7: Utilize Proofing Tools
- 7.1. Utilizing Spelling & Grammar Detector
- 7.2. Utilizing Thesaurus
Unit 8: Printing Setup
- 8.1. Save a Document
- 8.2. Manage Page Layout
- 8.3. Adjustment of Page Layout & Orientation
- 8.4. Preview and Print Document
Unit 9: Web Elements
- 9.1. Construct a Hyperlink
- 9.2. Emailing a Document from Word (using Outlook)
- 9.3. Save a Document as a Web Page
Unit 1: Manage Word Documents
- 1.1. Accessing Saved File
- 1.2. Utilizing File Formats
- 1.3. Establishing File Passwords
- 1.4. Operating Document Detector
- 1.5. Digital Signature for your Documents
- 1.6. Analysing Documents Side-By-Side
- 1.7. Splitting Document
- 1.8. Operating Compatibility Checker
Unit 2: Utilizing Formatting Tools
- 2.1. Constructing a Template
- 2.2. Saving a Template
- 2.3. Opening a Saved Template
- 2.4. Attaching a Template to Document
- 2.5. Utilizing Bullets and Numbering (Custom)
- 2.6. Constructing Various List(Basic/ Multilevel)
Unit 3: Engaging with Pages
- 3.1. Creating a Blank Page
- 3.2. Changing Page Colour
- 3.3. Implement Watermark
- 3.4. Implement Page Boarder
- 3.5. Utilizing Various Types of Link (Insert/Delete/ Edit/ Follow)
- 3.6. Hyperlinks
Unit 4: Header and Footer
- 4.1. Header & Footer Options
- 4.2. Header & Footer Tools
- 4.3. Adding Commands
- 4.4. Navigating Commands
- 4.5. Inserting Page Numbers
- 4.6. Switching Page Numbers
- 4.7. Formatting Page Numbers
- 4.8. Deleting Page Numbers
- 4.9. Adding Graphics
- 4.10. Adding Date and Time
- 4.11. Linking Header & Footer
- 4.12. Unlinking Header & Footer
- 4.13. Positioning Header & Footer
Unit 5: Supplementary Tools
Unit 5.1 Utilizing Language Tool
- 5.1.1. Setting Preferred Language
- 5.1.2. Utilizing Spelling & Grammar Tool
- 5.1.3. Maintaining Hyphenation
- 5.1.4. Completing Word Count
Unit 5.2 Utilizing Research Tool
- 5.2.1. Performing Research
- 5.2.2. Translating a Word or Document
Unit 5.3 Adding Pre-Defined Text
- 5.3.1. Using and Modifying AutoCorrect
- 5.3.2. Inserting Date & Time
- 5.3.3. Inserting a Symbol
- 5.3.4. Inserting Unique Characters
Unit 5.4 Utilizing AutoCorrect Actions
- 5.4.1. Permitting AutoCorrect Actions
- 5.4.2. Generating AutoCorrect Actions
- 5.4.3. Using Various Types of Actions
Unit 6: Using of Various Themes
- 6.1. Utilizing Themes Colour
- 6.2. Utilizing Themes Fonts
- 6.3. Utilizing Themes Effects
Unit 7: Concluding Your Documents
- 7.1. Faxing a Document
- 7.2. E-mailing a Document as an Attachment
- 7.3. E-mailing a Document as a XPS or PDF Attachment
- 7.4. Utilizing E-mail Features
Please email admin@mocdstudio.com for training schedules.
International Plaza – Beside Tanjong Pagar MRT
Please take note that:
- We can arrange a close class if your company have a minimum of 6 participants.
- All payments are accepted using only Singapore dollars, and are non-exchangeable or non refundable for other items.
Sign up for Microsoft Word Course (2 Days – Basic and Intermediate level)
SkillsFuture Covers 100% of Course Fees (Self Sponsored)
Singapore Microsoft Word Training Courses (SkillsFuture Approved)
Microsoft Word is one of the most popular word processing software used by everyone in the world. It allows users to create a more professional-looking document and can be used to construct various documents such as resumes, reports, assignments and letters. Through our course, you will learn the basic fundamental functions and features in Microsoft Word which enables you to enhance and produce a much higher quality of work.