Effectively Create And Use Breaks To Your Advantage In Microsoft Word
When it comes to formatting your Microsoft Word documents, you will find yourself requiring to use different formats and styles in order to structure your documents well. This is especially the case when you have a substantial amount of text or images to deal with in your reports. If you are new to Microsoft Word, inserting breaks can reduce a lot of trouble you may have with your documents. Here’s what you can do:
Section Breaks
Section breaks are ideal when it comes to forming a separation or barrier-like structure between document parts so that users can format sections independently without having them affect each other. Microsoft Word currently offers different types of breaks including: Page breaks ( section breaks are added with text after the break being moved to the next page), continuous breaks ( section breaks that allow users to continue on the same page instead of next page), and even/odd page (Text after the section breaks are added on next even/off pages).
Inserting Section Breaks
To insert a section break, place your insertion point where the break should be created and look for page layout. From there, you can pick the Breaks option and carefully select the section break of your choice from the drop down menu that is made available.
Inserting Page Breaks
Before creating your page breaks in Microsoft Word, make sure your insertion point is assigned where your break is going to be created. Next, look for the Insert tab and select the page break option or hold down CTRL and Enter buttons on your keyboard. This will effectively insert your page break into your document. For breaks to be shown in your Microsoft Word document, click the show/hide option.
Deleting Breaks
If the breaks are no longer necessary, you can delete them. However, do note that when you want to delete breaks in Microsoft Word, you need to make sure that the breaks are visible first. Look for the Home tab and choose the Show/Hide option. Once you have done so, choose the break you want deleted and place the insertion point at the beginning of said break. You can then press Delete and the break should be deleted with no trouble.